Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)

At Hughes and McHugh Optometrists, our highly trained clinical staff have been providing our patients with OCT scans as standard for over 15 years.

At Hughes and McHugh Optometrists, our highly trained clinical staff have been providing our patients with OCT scans as standard for over 15 years.

In addition to retinal photography this innovative, non-invasive 3D procedure allows us to detect anomalies of the eye that would otherwise go undetected.

Not dissimilar to an ultrasound, light waves are used to create the image, as opposed to sound waves. This enables the various layers of the retina to be seen and to measure their thickness.

You won’t feel a thing and the end results are both visually stunning and clinically informative.

OCT scans are particularly useful in the diagnosis of conditions such as wet macular degeneration, retinal disease, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy.

At Hughes and McHugh Optometrists, these scans are included FREE OF CHARGE as part of your comprehensive eye examination where clinically necessary.

Oct Image